Sunday, May 16, 2010


Last week was the second week where my workouts have been pretty solid, after the long lay off due to my fever and many pesky injuries. I think I probably did too much too fast, either that, or I did not have enough recovery.

Recovery is important, period. Especially sleep, which I have trouble adhering to the schedule. And that left me feeling very lethargic last Saturday which lead me to have a total bonkfest during my morning workout. The 57km which was supposedly easy for me over the months, felt like torture. I canceled my karate drills class afterwards and slept like a log. There is no way I'm going to endure another 2 hours of hard cardio afer that.

The same thing goes for Sunday. Woke up still feeling very sluggish for a long run, so opted for a slow easy workout. But the whole thing was eventful from the start; someone was late, then another someone got lost, and got mechanical problems, the sun was already hot it burned the front of our tshirt and warmed the just bought bottles of Gatorade in minutes. We scrapped our initial plan to go far and did a u-turn instead. I think in total I downed 3 Gatorades, 2 100+, 1 watermelon juice and 2 Ice Milos. Not to mention countless of water bottles.

And then, for no real reason other than I felt like I wanted to, I did a 10km run in the evening. Usually would complain about the lack of hot sun when I run, but this time I kind of welcome the cool change. I was still thirsty from the hard morning workout so the cool weather was a nice one for me to complete the 10k. It was a simple loop of 2.5km complete with little hills and false flats, and I did 4 boring rounds of it. Still it was a nice run, especially when the little dogs and cats were there at their same place to cheer at me (or bark) every time I pass them by. One of the dogs stopped barking on my third round and just stared at me, head cocked to the side. So cute! One cat maintained her downright relaxed pose the whole 4 times I passed her by. Our eyes met and she was like, "Yo, more power to you."

So Sunday was a great, tiring day. I went to bed real early, and today I shall be resting.


  1. lol on the doggie and cattie part. glad you're recovering fine and enjoying the outdoors again :)

  2. hehe, the cats and dogs are my only true companion when i run. so cute!

  3. nadia - we missed you in Putrajaya last wiken...

    we are planning an open water swim-cum-BBQ in PD next month. Jomjomjom?
